Predictive Marketing Analytics, Coupled with Human Know-How and White-Glove Service.

Whether you are looking to maximize sales, maximize ROI, or increase paid media spend up to the point of diminishing returns, Sightline by Levelwing provides confidence that you are getting the most from every media dollar invested.

A Deeper Dive:

Sightline by Levelwing is more than just a Media Mix Model (MMM). It is an advanced predictive marketing analytics solution coupled with a dedicated data science service team that powers meaningful and objective insights for brands.

The Problem: Marketing results are becoming even further detached from the strategic thinking that fuels advertising and media investment decisions.

  • Privacy and the cookieless future are driving the need for new measurement approaches as traditional attribution becomes harder.
  • The importance of cross-channel measurement and optimization will only grow.
  • The big media platforms pushing their own measurement solutions symbolize them further fortifying their “walled garden” data ecosystems.
  • After years of coveting the precise measurability of digital media, we’re being forced to confront the reality that such precision was often an illusion.

Case Study:

One of the nation’s largest advertisers sought to determine the optimal media mix and spend levels across numerous geographic areas to maximize the ROI on their eight-figure media investment.

Sales transactions improved by 5%, generating an incremental $34 million in revenue.

After implementing the optimized media plan that Sightline by Levelwing suggested, sales results significantly improved. Over a 6-week period, when total media spend was held consistent with the previous 6-week period, sales transactions improved by 5%, generating an incremental $34 million in revenue.

If this sounds interesting to you, let’s connect. Book a demo with us and see just how Sightline by Levelwing can help you.


  • Proprietary solution from Levelwing’s own data scientists
  • Serves as an If-Then planning solution for potential spend and revenue
  • Predictive values are built uniquely per brand
  • Options to toggle between maximizing revenue or profitability
  • Provides limitless modeling capabilities
  • Custom real-time forecast viewability
  • Collaboration and clarity with actual team members
  • Ability to optimize channel spends based on desired revenue
  • Forecasts future revenue with greater than 93% accuracy
  • A true solution as a software WITH service, not a generic tool
  • Data input handled by Levelwing for integrity and ease of use
  • Showcases optimal allocation of media if spend raises or lowers
  • Proven growth value for multiple Fortune 500 brands